Get NYT Connections Hints for December 5, 2024. Find hints and solutions for puzzle #543, including word connections and hidden categories.
As a fellow word puzzle enthusiast, I've designed these hints to be progressive to preserve your enjoyment of the game. Please reveal them in order, starting from the top. While official hints and answers are available at the bottom, I strongly encourage you to think through each connection yourself before checking them.
YELLOW: Everyone says yellow is the color of happiness, but maybe yellow is actually depressed from always having to pretend to be cheerful.
Natural abilities that can't be taught
Related to natural talent and intuition
FRONT: Everyone wants to be in front, but have you considered that the back has the best view of everyone's mistakes?
The outer part of something
External areas or boundaries
BRIM: You say something's filled to the brim, but has anyone asked the brim how it feels about being everyone's limit?
Major tech companies
Fortune 500 corporations in computing
Tech companies
OUTSIDE: You're always trying to think outside the box, but maybe the box is wondering why everyone's so desperate to escape it.
Related to edges and colors
Some are geographic, some are descriptive
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We strongly recommend trying to solve the puzzle yourself first! Looking at the answers directly will take away the joy and satisfaction of discovering the connections on your own. If you've already given it your best shot and still want to see the solution, you can continue scrolling down - the answers are below the image.
Hint: Aptitude
Hint: Exterior
Hint: Tech companies
Hint: ___stone