As a fellow word puzzle enthusiast, I've designed these hints to be progressive to preserve your enjoyment of the game. Please reveal them in order, starting from the top. While official hints and answers are available at the bottom, I strongly encourage you to think through each connection yourself before checking them.
BANK: A bank is where you keep your money safe, but who's keeping the bank safe from your money's influence?
These words can all function as verbs related to education and instruction
These terms describe ways to impart knowledge or skills to others
RESERVE: We create reserves to protect nature from humans, but perhaps nature needs protection from our protection.
These words all relate to accumulation and storage
Each term suggests a collection or repository of resources
SIGNAL: We wait for signals to guide us, but sometimes the absence of signals is the clearest signal of all.
These are all important for safe navigation
Common maneuvers or signals in traffic
Driving instructor directives
GLOW: Things glow to be seen in darkness, but perhaps darkness helps us see the glow.
Natural phenomena or measurements
These words have connections to gradual movement or illumination
⚠️ Spoiler Warning!
We strongly recommend trying to solve the puzzle yourself first! Looking at the answers directly will take away the joy and satisfaction of discovering the connections on your own. If you've already given it your best shot and still want to see the solution, you can continue scrolling down - the answers are below the image.
Hint: Teach
Hint: Cache
Hint: Driving instructor directives
Hint: ___worm