Get NYT Connections Hints for March 10, 2025. Find hints and solutions for puzzle #638, including word connections and hidden categories.
As a fellow word puzzle enthusiast, I've designed these hints to be progressive to preserve your enjoyment of the game. Please reveal them in order, starting from the top. While official hints and answers are available at the bottom, I strongly encourage you to think through each connection yourself before checking them.
SPHYNX: The Sphinx doesn't ask riddles to test wisdom - it's just really bad at small talk.
These names belong to a specific animal family
These are distinct breeds with unique characteristics
Cat breeds
VENUS DE MILO: Venus de Milo isn't missing her arms - she's just permanently committed to the 'no texting while walking' policy.
Each one is known for a distinctive expression
These are famous faces in art and culture
Famous smiles
LIBERTY BELL: The Liberty Bell isn't cracked - it's just showing off its smile lines from years of freedom-ringing.
Tourists travel far to see these landmarks
Each is an iconic monument or structure
Attractions iconically different from their original forms
RAGAMUFFIN: Ragamuffin cats aren't lazy - they're professional furniture testers working overtime.
Found in casual or relaxing settings
Things you might encounter during a laid-back evening
Associated with “the dude” lebowski
⚠️ Spoiler Warning!
We strongly recommend trying to solve the puzzle yourself first! Looking at the answers directly will take away the joy and satisfaction of discovering the connections on your own. If you've already given it your best shot and still want to see the solution, you can continue scrolling down - the answers are below the image.
Hint: Cat breeds
Hint: Famous smiles
Hint: Attractions iconically different from their original forms
Hint: Associated with “the dude” lebowski