Get NYT Connections Hints for October 2, 2024. Find hints and solutions for puzzle #479, including word connections and hidden categories.
As a fellow word puzzle enthusiast, I've designed these hints to be progressive to preserve your enjoyment of the game. Please reveal them in order, starting from the top. While official hints and answers are available at the bottom, I strongly encourage you to think through each connection yourself before checking them.
JOKER: Why so serious? Maybe the Joker is the only sane one, laughing at how seriously we take our meaningless routines.
When you put something on the line
Taking a calculated leap of faith
Put on the line
SLOT MACHINE: You think you're playing the slot machine, but perhaps the slot machine is playing you, one coin at a time.
Ways to transform ingredients
Breaking things into smaller pieces
Use a kitchen knife
SHIVA: Shiva dances to destroy the universe, but maybe destruction is just renovation on a cosmic scale.
Classic movies with intense themes
Movies featuring morally ambiguous characters
Robert de niro films
RISK: The biggest risk is spending your life avoiding risks, only to risk having not lived at all.
Entities associated with various arms or limbs
Notable figures or objects with distinctive physical forms
Distinctive number of arms (or lack thereof)
β οΈ Spoiler Warning!
We strongly recommend trying to solve the puzzle yourself first! Looking at the answers directly will take away the joy and satisfaction of discovering the connections on your own. If you've already given it your best shot and still want to see the solution, you can continue scrolling down - the answers are below the image.
Hint: Put on the line
Hint: Use a kitchen knife
Hint: Robert de niro films
Hint: Distinctive number of arms (or lack thereof)